How do you spend your evenings?

In this lesson we are practicing how to speak about things we like to do at night.
We are learning the vocabulary and common phrases we use when we speak about how we spend our evenings.
Let’s begin with a dialog.
Let’s look at the vocabulary used in this dialog:
Now, let’s practice different ways to answer questions about our evenings.

What do you often do in the evening?

My evenings are quite dull. I usually spend my evenings working on assignments for school or studying.

‘dull’ means ‘boring’ or ‘not exciting or interesting’

I usually go out to grab a bite at my favorite restaurant in the city and catch up with friends.

‘catch up with friends’ means to talk to friends and spend time with them.

I usually stay in and read a magazine in bed. I have very hectic days at work so I prefer to have quiet evenings to help me relax.

‘hectic’ means very busy and difficult.

Occasionally I spend my evenings browsing around social media on my phone. Time goes by very fast when I’m on my phone so I am usually surprised about how much time I spend online.

It’s usually very hot in my city so the evenings are the best time to go outdoors. I often go camping with friends in the evening at our local camp site.

‘camp site’ – a place where people can go camping

Answer in your own words: What do you often do in the evening?

Who do you usually spend you evenings with?

I usually spend my evenings with my roommate if I don’t go out or study in library on campus.

I prefer to spend my evenings alone because this is the time I can use to think and rest.

‘rest’ – to relax or to sleep

I spend all of my evenings at home with my daughter. She likes to read with me at night before her bedtime.

‘bedtime’ is the time for going to sleep

Give us your own answer. Who do you usually spend your evenings with?

Do you spend your evenings the same way you did as a child?

Yes, pretty much. I used to read story books with my mom before bedtime as a child, and now I still read a book in the evening before I head to bed.

‘head to bed’ means to go to sleep

Not at all. As a child I used to spend my evenings watching TV with my parents but now I usually go out for drinks at a bar with friends.

What is your answer? Do you spend your evenings the same way you did as a child?

What do most young people in your country like to do in the evening?

Many youngsters in my country go out to night clubs in the evenings. They enjoy getting dressed up, dancing and listening to loud music.

In my city, most young people go to the cinema on Friday nights because the movie tickets are on special.

‘on special’ means the price or the cost is cheaper than the normal amount.

A lot of young people in my country spend the whole night playing video games online.

‘online’ – on the internet

Tell us what young people in YOUR OWN country like to do in the evening.

Do you prefer day or night?

I am a morning person so I prefer mornings rather than evenings. I love the sound of birds singing but not the sound of crickets chirping. I also prefer the sunlight instead of the darkness in the evening.

crickets – an insect or bug that makes a loud sound at night.

chirping – the sound a cricket makes.

I prefer evenings because I enjoy stargazing. The stars light up the sky so beautifully in the evening.

stargazing – to look at the stars.

I prefer the evening because it is quiet. Day time is usually busy and noisy, but in the evening the city is peaceful. I catch up on my reading and studying at night when everyone is asleep.

What do you prefer? Day or night? Tell us why.
Go through this lesson again and practice different vocabulary and phrases to use when you are speaking about how you spend your evenings.

Practice! Practice! Practice Makes Perfect!

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