Reading Lesson: If I Were Invisible for a day

In this lesson we are practicing our reading, improving our understanding (or comprehension) and building new vocabulary.

Let’s Get Started!

If I were invisible for a day

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you ever had a super power for one day? Would you use your power for the good of others or would you use your gift for your own benefit?

I know most of us would quickly say that we would use our powers to help other people. But is this really true?

Psychologists decided to test this theory on some University students to see if most people were being honest about what they would have done if they were invisible for a day.

The results were very interesting. A lot of the male students gave answers like: “I would go into the ladies bathroom and peep in on them”. Creepy, right? But expected.

Many said they would rob a bank or a shops that had things they really wanted. Most of the female students also gave a similar answer.

Other students said they would sneak into the government and read their country’s secret documents.

A few of the students said they would have sneaked into their teacher’s office to see the answers for their next exam. Others said they would play pranks on their friends and their enemies.

It seems like most of the students wouldn’t really use their power for good. In fact, they were more likely to use it to commit crimes and do bad things to others.

Discuss the following questions:
1) Name something creepy that the students said they’d do if they were invisible for a day.
2) Which answer did the female students give that was similar to the male students?
3) What would you do if you could be invisible for a day?
4) What would you do with the money if you robbed a bank?
5) Have you ever played a prank on anyone? Or has anyone played a prank on you before?

Let’s practice some vocabulary!

We hope this lesson was helpful. Remember to practice your English skills everyday if you want to improve. Here are some more lessons if you want to learn more English.